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The Bike Coalition got everything it wanted. Now what?

“We’re taking on that establishment role,” the coalition’s board president said. “And I think that’s great.”

Sam Altman is the snake oil salesman who might restore Silicon Valley to its former glory


After decades in decline, Silicon Valley dreams are relevant again, thanks to a tech renaissance fueled by unlikely hero Sam Altman

The economy is healthy, but the pain is not over, says SF Fed chief

Mary Daly said the economy is in a better place than it was two years ago, but not yet to the point where interest rates could be lowered.

‘It’s changed my life’: SF’s Badass Blind Babe shares why she rides with Waymo 


At the age of seven, Jessie was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a condition that has steadily taken her peripheral vision. Now she’s on a mission to tell the world that “disabled isn’t a bad word.”

San Francisco’s most powerful political group endorses Farrell, Lurie over Breed

After spending millions to reshape San Francisco politics, a moderate group is backing two challengers to Mayor London Breed.

San Francisco laws are a tangled mess. Talk with our AI charter bot

Our CharterGPT answers questions about San Francisco’s laws. But even the bot got lazy sifting through the complex rules and regulations that make up the city charter.

Lurie and Farrell capture mayor’s race in one key demo: Republicans 

In a competitive mayor’s race that could be decided by a razor-thin margin, the city’s long-ignored conservatives could play a vital role.

YIMBYs are feuding over ‘California Forever,’ billionaire-backed utopia in rural Bay Area

A former executive at California YIMBY is calling out the organization’s support for the East Solano Plan. She’s not the only one.

Wildfire victims rebuild in Sonoma with homes hardened and fingers crossed

The start of a new fire season after two years of relative reprieve will test the resolve and fire-proofing of rebuilding homeowners.

If buying a home is impossible in SF, this startup says why not try a fixer-upper in Japan

AkiyaMart, founded by two tech workers struggling to afford a new home, connects foreign buyers to Japan’s ample supply of abandoned homes.

Mayor Breed’s $15M plan to revive Union Square smashes into stark budget realities

The city’s independent budget analyst is recommending that funding for the rescue plan be completely axed.

‘Forget the Doom Loop’: 11 new downtown SF pop-ups are opening up to defy the odds

The second cohort in San Francisco’s efforts to revamp downtown by filling empty storefronts with small business pop-ups launches this week.

A military-grade tech party signals a new movement in Silicon Valley

A party marking the start of Deep Tech Week in the Bay Area was held on the USS Hornet, a symbol of tech’s waking interest in warmaking.

San Francisco cops stopped ticketing drivers and guess what happened? Not much.


It’s not Mad Max out there on city streets, despite a 96% drop in traffic citations. Left to our own devices, SF drivers are actually OK.

Restaurant workers fear they could pay highest cost in junk-fee battle

Diners hate them. Restaurant owners say they need them. But in the battle over service fees, it’s servers and cooks on the front lines.

A military-grade tech party signals a new movement in Silicon Valley

A party marking the start of Deep Tech Week in the Bay Area was held on the USS Hornet, a symbol of tech’s waking interest in warmaking.

Photos: SF breaks record for most 3-legged dogs gathered in one place

The 15th annual gathering aimed to break the world record with a total of 94 “tri-pawed” participants on Sunday.

If buying a home is impossible in SF, this startup says why not try a fixer-upper in Japan

AkiyaMart, founded by two tech workers struggling to afford a new home, connects foreign buyers to Japan’s ample supply of abandoned homes.

5 killer Sierra road trips to do this summer, including Yosemite, Mammoth and…Arnold?

From Yosemite’s luxe new accommodations to the overlooked former logging town of Arnold, it’s time to go to the mountains.

Restaurant workers fear they could pay highest cost in junk-fee battle

Diners hate them. Restaurant owners say they need them. But in the battle over service fees, it’s servers and cooks on the front lines.

The produce is peaking: 12 SF chefs on what to buy at the farmer’s market right now

Produce is ripe for the picking. But how to get the best of it? We asked SF’s culinary elite.

SF’s $100 bento box is the best takeout in the city

Rintaro’s takeout bento boxes are back—and still exquisite. Plus, LOJ is already creating a buzz in the Marina and a perfect cocktail for Pride.

In defense of a real martini—in a real martini glass

Most martinis are served in coupes or Nick and Nora glasses. But there’s still a handful of spotsserving a classic martini in a classic martini glass.

Sam Altman is the snake oil salesman who might restore Silicon Valley to its former glory

After decades in decline, Silicon Valley dreams are relevant again, thanks to a tech renaissance fueled by unlikely hero Sam Altman

San Francisco cops stopped ticketing drivers and guess what happened? Not much.

It’s not Mad Max out there on city streets, despite a 96% drop in traffic citations. Left to our own devices, SF drivers are actually OK.

Hear that? It’s the sound of the San Francisco Symphony setting itself on fire

A music director fleeing town, labor friction with artists, and confusion over what it stands for: A shocking portrait of an artistic organization adrift.

Demolish the Central Freeway. Build homes, parks and transit

If City Hall is serious about meeting state housing mandates of 82,000 new homes by 2031 it should take a hard look at Vision Blvd.

Remember those rainbow lasers over Market Street? They’re coming back, twice as big

Illuminate projected 12 beams above San Francisco’s main thoroughfare last Pride, and again during APEC. Now, there will be 20.

‘Monumental Reckoning’ returns to Golden Gate Park for Juneteenth—with a twist

Attendees honored the lives of the first enslaved Africans brought to the United States.

Podcast: London Breed on the 7 songs that powered her rise to San Francisco mayor

From the hip-hop classic “Push It!” to Lizzo’s pop anthem “Truth Hurts,” Breed shares the songs that shaped her for The Standard’s new podcast “Life in Seven Songs.”