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Politics & Policy

San Francisco, there’s an election coming up. Tell us what’s on your minds

A vibrant crowd faces a city skyline, holding "VOTE" signs and megaphones, promoting civic engagement amidst confetti-filled air.
An illustration by Clark Miller for The Standard

If there’s one thing our politics team knows, it’s that San Franciscans have lots to say about the city’s issues. 

Doom loops, corruption scandals, a bipping epidemic and the sneaking suspicion that, on top of San Francisco’s high cost of living, City Hall is squeezing everyday residents—we’ve heard from readers on it all. 

Soon, San Francisco voters will have a decision to make: Keep the city’s leadership in place, or elect some fresh (or at least different) faces. 

On Nov. 5, San Franciscans will choose a mayor, along with six supervisors, a district attorney and other local representatives. Whether you’ve already made your decision or barely know the candidates’ names (these are the mayoral front-runners, by the way), The Standard wants to hear from you on what our elected officials should be talking about. 

Polling shows that San Franciscans care about the cost of housing, homelessness, property crime and the economy. We’d love to know what else is on your mind. Is there something being ignored? What should candidates be prioritizing? What’s the big issue nobody is talking about?

If you could ask them one question, what would it be? 

Let us know your thoughts in the form below. We’ll do our best to get answers from all the candidates and use this to guide our coverage of local politics and City Hall. 

For even deeper coverage, sign up for Power Play—our insiders’ guide to local politics and government, delivered on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Annie Gaus can be reached at