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San Francisco’s new Total Wine gets giant security fence

A security fence has been erected around a Total Wine & More store slated to open Thursday. | Source: Joe Burn/The Standard

The owners of a new Total Wine & More store slated to open Thursday in San Francisco have erected a large security fence around it.

The fence is roughly 7 feet high and stretches around the store’s parking lot. It is still under construction and has a space where a gate will likely be installed. Security guards were on duty at the store when The Standard visited Tuesday, and an alarm system could be heard sounding off.

Several encampments were set up near the new fence when The Standard visited on Monday and Tuesday. Total Wine did not respond to requests for comment on why the fence had been installed.

The security fence around Total Wine & More's planned San Francisco location stretches around the corner of 14th and Harrison streets. | Source: Joe Burn/The Standard

The new Total Wine & More store replaces an Office Max store that shuttered in November 2022.

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A Total Wine & More store that is set to open on Thursday has a security guard posted outside on Tuesday. | Source: Joe Burn/The Standard

San Francisco stores have faced rampant shoplifting. Some Target and Safeway stores in the city have entire aisles where items are locked up to prevent shoplifting.

The security company on duty Tuesday, Off Duty Officers, did not respond to a request for comment.

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