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California voters oppose President Biden running for a second term and give a nod to Gov. Newsom, poll shows

Photo of Gov. Gavin Newsom, who will likely sign CARE Courts into law.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a bill signing ceremony at Nido’s Backyard Mexican Restaurant in San Francisco on Feb. 09, 2022. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Voters in California overwhelmingly oppose President Joe Biden running for a second term while favoring Gov. Gavin Newsom as a leading Democratic contender for the White House.

The majority of voters, or 61%, don’t want Biden, who is 79 years old, to run for president again, according to a Berkeley IGS Poll conducted Aug. 9-15 among a random sample of 9,254 registered voters across California. Only 31% of those polled support Biden seeking a second term in 2024.

Newsom, who has denied interest in a White House bid, emerged as one of the top presidential contenders in his home state, according to the poll. The California governor has generated speculation that he may run for president by placing political ads in Florida, home to Republican Governor Ron DeStantis, who would be considered a strong candidate for his party should he run.

Newsom and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont each received 13% of the preferences of California’s Democratic primary voters. Vice President Kamala Harris came in third in her home state with 10% support. 

California voters strongly rejected another run for the White House by former President Donald Trump, with 71% opposing it.