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San Francisco pain clinic doctor, mother-in-law charged with insurance fraud

A pair of handcuffs on a wooden surface.
Prosecutors say Dr. Gary Martinovsky and his mother-in-law committed the crimes through a clinic called Integrated Pain Care. | Source: Bernd Wüstneck/Picture alliance via Getty Images

A San Francisco doctor and his assistant have been charged with 40 counts of insurance fraud for fraudulent billing, double billing and billing for services not rendered. 

The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office said Dr. Gary Martinovsky, 51, of San Francisco, and his office assistant and mother-in-law, 68-year-old Raisa Rikoshinsky, of San Bruno, committed the crimes through his business, Integrated Pain Care.

According to the DA’s Office, Martinovsky and Rikoshinsky filed liens with the State of California Division of Workers Compensation, asking for payment of bills that had already been paid in full or in part.  

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California’s Workers’ Compensation law allows a doctor to file a lien against an insurance provider for payment for services rendered to an injured worker where the bill has not been paid.

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In support of the filed liens, the defendants allegedly submitted fraudulent documents or failed to disclose that they had already received payments for the billed services. 

Martinovsky and Integrated Pain Care also allegedly billed three insurers for services not rendered, by claiming $625 numerous times for services not provided to injured workers. 

Citing the California Department of Industrial Relations, the DA’s Office said Martinovksy filed 3,005 liens worth $29,443,467 outstanding as of October 2023.  

The DA’s office said that in terms of the number of liens filed since 2022, Integrated Pain Care came second in the state only to the Employment Development Department, the agency that administers California’s unemployment insurance, disability insurance and paid family leave and maintains records for more than 19 million workers. 

Martinovsky and Rikoshinksy are scheduled to be arraigned at 9 a.m. Jan. 12 in Department 10 of San Francisco’s Hall of Justice. Martinovsky and Rikoshinsky could each face more than five years in prison. 

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