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He was tortured and dumped in the bay in 2019. Now his killers have been convicted

Two mugshots side by side, one of a tattooed individual, the other of an older, bearded man. Both wear orange prison garb.
Angel Anderson, left, and Gerald Rowe were sentenced for the killing of George Randall Saldivar that occurred at Rowe’s Downtown San Francisco apartment on Feb. 3, 2019. Saldivar was tortured, tied up, injected with fentanyl and bundled into a suitcase while still alive by Angel Anderson and Gerald Rowe. | Source: Courtersy SFPD

George Randall Saldivar was just 23 when he visited his killers, Gerald Rowe and Angel Anderson, at Rowe’s apartment in Downtown San Francisco. He would later leave the residence in a suitcase after being tortured, tied up and injected with fentanyl before being tossed in the bay.

Now, almost five years later, Rowe, 52, and Anderson, 41, have been convicted of Saldivar’s 2019 killing. Rowe was convicted last Tuesday, Jan. 16, by a jury and Anderson pleaded guilty on Monday.

According to testimony and other evidence presented at trial, the victim visited Rowe’s Market Street apartment at the edge of the Tenderloin between Eighth and Ninth streets on Feb. 3, 2019.

There, Anderson, a trans woman, confronted the victim with a machete before she and Rowe tied and bound him. The killers were in a brief dating relationship, and Saldivar was an acquaintance of the two.

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A noose was then placed around the Saldivar’s neck, with the attached rope tethered through a pulley device near the ceiling. Saldivar’s hands were bound behind his back with zip ties, a strap and duct tape.

Saldivar was tortured for more than four hours in this position as he was screamed at, hit, punched, sodomized, assaulted with pliers and had a bag placed over his head.

Eventually, Rowe left the apartment to acquire fentanyl. Upon his return, he and Anderson injected the victim with a syringe full of fentanyl and water. Within about 90 seconds, Saldivar began to convulse and struggle to breathe.

Next, while still alive, Rowe and Anderson folded the victim into a large rolling suitcase before zipping it up and waiting for him to die.

Then, around 21 hours later, Rowe and Anderson donned disguises and rolled the suitcase almost two miles from Market Street to the bay near Rincon Park, where they tossed the victim’s body into the water.

Two weeks later, on Feb. 18, 2019, Saldivar was found floating in the water near Pier 39 by a local San Francisco resident.

“We feel an overwhelming sense of relief for the victim’s family, who have waited far too long to receive justice in this case. Mr. Rowe and Ms. Anderson’s actions were heinous and a beloved son’s life was lost far too early,” said District Attorney Brooke Jenkins. “We thank the jury for their time and attention to this very serious case. My office will always stand by victims and do everything in our power to ensure justice is served in each and every case.”

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Saldivar was adopted after being found wandering alone in San Francisco’s Chinatown when he was younger than 8 years old. He was later adopted by two loving dads in 2003, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Saldivar was said to be a client at Larkin Street Youth Services, a homeless nonprofit for young people. The nonprofit has been contacted for comment but has yet to respond.

Rowe is currently in custody pending sentencing. He faces life in state prison without the possibility of parole. Sentencing is scheduled for March 18.

Anderson is also currently in custody and will be sentenced to 25 years to life in state prison for her crimes on March 18.

This is a developing story.

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