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Wildflower superblooms explode in SF parks after a winter of big rains

Bermuda buttercups bloom along a trail at Corona Heights Park on March 7, 2023. | Morgan Ellis/The Standard

Pearly everlastings. Salmonberries. Footsteps of spring. Milkmaids. 

The wildflowers blooming around San Francisco couldn’t have cuter names—and there couldn’t be a better time to see the blooms bring swaths of color to hillsides and fields around the city.

After a winter of record rain, Bermuda buttercups have already lit up Corona Heights Park and many other open spaces around the city.

@sfstandard San Francisco’s parks are always worth a stroll, but upcoming rains should bring fresh wildflower blooms to your favorite natural areas. Here are a few of the city’s parks worth visiting soon to hunt for wildflowers.🌸🌼 #sf #sfparks #bayareanature #superbloom #californiawildflowers #californianature #sfstandard #naturetok ♬ I Think I Like When It Rains – WILLIS

Though cursed by city gardeners as the stubborn weed oxalis, the citron-colored buttercups are the predominant “volunteers” found around town, covering hillsides like this one at Fort Mason.

Flowers bloom near the Great Meadow Park at Fort Mason on Feb. 19, 2023. | Sophie Bearman/The Standard

But given the dousing San Francisco received this winter, enthusiasts can expect to see more species pop up after every shower.

California poppies bloom on a grassy hillside at Twin Peaks on March 7, 2023. | Morgan Ellis/The Standard

The Standard worked with SF Recreation and Parks to identify natural areas around the city that are poised for a wildflower superbloom.

Here are the species that San Franciscans can expect to see this spring.

Rec & Parks reminds visitors to remain on paths and not pick any blooms. The wildflowers are pollinated by insects and leaving blooms behind allows seeds to germinate and result in even more flowers next season. 

Bermuda buttercups bloom along a trail at Corona Heights Park on March 7, 2023. | Morgan Ellis/The Standard

Flower fans shouldn’t miss the tulips blooming in Golden Gate Park or the chance to sign up for a free guided walk around Mount Davidson on Wednesday, March 15, at 2 p.m. when experts will talk about the area’s native plants, wildflowers and history. 

Click on the map below to find superblooms around San Francisco.

Morgan Ellis can be reached at