If you have to drive in San Francisco, you know the intersections you dread approaching. It could be the timing of the traffic light, the raggedy condition of the roadway, signage that doesn’t clearly communicate how to get where you’re going, or just that one spot where you know other drivers will consistently behave badly, no matter the time of day.
Do you feel yourself cringing when you approach Ocean and Geneva avenues just south of City College’s campus? Or maybe Sloat and Junipero Serra boulevards? Perhaps it’s Stanyan between Fell and Oak streets, where the Panhandle ends and Golden Gate Park begins, that leaves you grinding your teeth. Or the infamous intersections where Bryant Street meets the eastbound Bay Bridge on-ramps.
Adding to The Standard’s prior coverage of dangerous intersections in the wake of the city’s worst year for road deaths since its plan to end them began, and building on our ongoing red-light camera and autonomous–vehicle coverage, we want to know your most hated city intersections.
You tell us where and why by emailing tips@sfstandard.com and including “Most Hated Intersections” in the subject line, and we’ll see what’s being done to fix them, if anything.