Santa Rosa police said Monday they found the decapitated head of a woman killed Thursday, allegedly by her grandson, 23-year-old Luis Gustavo Aroyo-Lopez of Santa Rosa.
The head was found around 7:30 p.m. near Santa Rosa Creek.
The Sonoma County Coroner’s Office identified the victim as 64-year-old Elvia Lopez-Arroyo of Santa Rosa.
Luis Gustavo Aroyo-Lopez was arrested Saturday morning at San Francisco’s Transbay Transit Center when a police officer recognized him from law enforcement bulletins. He was detained without incident and held until he could be transferred to Santa Rosa police.
Santa Rosa detectives found Elvia Lopez-Arroyo’s head on the south bank of Santa Rosa Creek, adjacent to the Prince Memorial Greenway, just east of A Street, in Santa Rosa.
Santa Rosa police responded at approximately 3:40 p.m. Thursday to a report of a possible homicide at a home on the 2500 block of Pomo Trail. Officers found Elvia Lopez-Arroyo dead and said her grandson took her decapitated head.
Police said multiple weapons were recovered from the residence and will undergo further examination before the murder weapon is identified.
Luis Gustavo Aroyo-Lopez was booked into the Sonoma County Main Adult Detention Facility on suspicion of murder. He remains in custody without bail.