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Where to find Girl Scout cookies in the Bay Area: A field guide

Cookie sales for The Girl Scouts of Northern California continue through April 23, 2023. | Courtesy Girl Scouts of Northern California

Girl Scout cookie season is upon us. 

The Girl Scouts of Northern California began selling Thin Mints, Trefoils, Tagalongs and more earlier this month, and sales of the beloved cookies continue through April 23. But where to find these treasured treats, especially with supply chain issues disrupting distribution of these much-loved snacks?   

Three Cadette Girl Scouts sell cookies at a local booth. | Courtesy Girl Scouts of Northern California

Since the pandemic, the Girl Scouts have partnered with San Francisco-based food delivery service DoorDash to bring Do-si-dos and Samoas to your home. Or you could make a Girl Scout’s day—and selling goals—by buying direct from a local Girl Scout cookie booth. 

We’ve done some of the leg work to make tracking down a local booth in your area that much easier. Take a look at our map to see where you can get your Girl Scout cookie fix this weekend.

Not seeing a booth near you? For more booth locations and hours, visit, and type in your zip code.