Palm Pilot, a 7-year-old fluffy Pomeranian mix (who also responds to the name MySpace), received the most attention, and people were also drawn to the older dogs, said Alice Ensor, Muttville’s adoption supervisor. They loved Posie, a 16-year-old poodle, she said. “She’s a little fragile, but people want to take care of the underdogs.”
Rebecca Brian Pan, the founder of Trellis Coworking space in SoMa, woke up teary and “needing hugs.” But she refused to stay mired in misery, so midafternoon, Pan and Sawyer, her 8-year-old son, set up a “Hope Ade” lemonade stand in Dolores Park. They sold $1 lemonade with a side of hope. All buyers were asked to write one hope they have for the future on a Post-it note, which Sawyer stuck to his sign. “One person wrote, ‘I hope we can be friends,’ and we got ‘Love is the path forward.’ It made me feel super good,” he said.
Sawyer was pleased with his sales — 21 cups, which came out to $30 including tips. He’s donating 20% to his school and saving the rest “to buy something expensive.”