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More windstorms forecast for Bay Area—yes, really

Tree branches are strewn along Post Street between Polk and Larkin streets in San Francisco. | Courtesy Paul Dally

Buckle up, Bay Area—it’s about to get windy. Again.

Another windstorm is poised to hit the Bay Area next week, according to a forecast from the National Weather Service. Though weather this weekend is expected to be cooler and drier, forecasts for next Tuesday, March 28, show a storm system forming remarkably similar to the bomb cyclone that pummeled San Francisco this week.

“We might be doing this all again next Tuesday,” tweeted ABC7 meteorologist Drew Tuma. “System looks similar to todays, where the primary concerns will be strong, gusty winds as well as rain.”

Tuesday’s storms brought a deluge of rain and high speed winds that toppled at least 700 trees and damaged properties across San Francisco. Five people in the broader Bay Area died from the storm, including two people in San Francisco who succumbed to storm injuries.

READ MORE: Huge Tree Smashes Into San Francisco Homes. Families Fear It’ll Happen Again

The high winds from consecutive winter storms broke the glass facades of numerous Downtown SF high-rises, and damaged multiple windows of Salesforce Tower. No injuries have been reported connected to falling glass, though the city closed nearby roads and issued shelter-in-place orders for some incidents.

San Franciscans may be accustomed to wetter winter months, but the recent slew of storms has been anything but ordinary for the Bay Area.

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