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Board of Supervisors preview: Sharing the wealth and police funding

SFPD detain a man in the Tenderloin in San Francisco on April 14, 2021 | James Wyatt | Source: James Wyatt

This Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors’s meeting is fairly light on heavy and contentious issues–a change from last week, when the Supervisors spent much of the day debating the fate of car-free JFK. Many items involve authorizing or modifying grant agreements, and there are also some significant commissioner reappointments. (As always, wonks looking for the full kit and caboodle can check out the complete agenda.)

Sharing the Wealth: Doling out Grants

Part of the Supervisors’ fiscal powers is authorizing applications for, or acceptance of, grants from other government agencies or foundations for use by specific departments. Funds tackling a wide range of issues are  on this week’s agenda, including: 

        Of note are a number of grant acceptance resolutions for the San Francisco Police Department:

              Commission Reappointments

              Speaking of police matters, two members of the Police Commission are up for reappointment: 

                  Those hoping for more aggressive scrutiny of police practices should look to Thursday morning, when the Supervisors’ Government Audit and Oversight Committee will hold a hearing called by Supervisor Dean Preston on “Taxpayer-Funded Communications Regarding Police and Public Safety.” 

                  When Preston requested this hearing last month, he expressed concern that SFPD was disseminating “copaganda”: what he described as “messaging that promotes increased policing, minimizes continued racial disparities in local policing, and sanitizes or minimizes police violence” in a letter to the department.