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You could earn $300K teaching machines to speak like humans

Roles for so-called “AI whisperers” can go up to six figures. | Getty Images

Many think that AI is the wave of the future—and that it’s going to take our jobs. A recent report by Goldman Sachs estimated that as many as 300 million jobs could be affected by AI, and in recent days tech titans like Elon Musk have called for a six-month pause on its development to evaluate whether the technology should automate jobs and render humans “obsolete.”

But until the (impending?) bot-pocalypse, you could have the opportunity to cash in on the race to make artificial intelligence smarter—and, dare we say it—more human. The job market for “prompt engineers”—also known as AI whisperers—to train AI tools to produce better results and teach others how to harness this technology is red hot right now, according to reporting by Bloomberg. Some listings for prompt engineer roles are offering salaries as high as $335,000. Quite a few are Bay Area-based, and some don’t even require a degree in computer science.  

The field is evolving so quickly that the window for applying for these jobs is likely short—and you might end up engineering your way out of the job. But, hey, maybe you’ll be able to stack enough cash to build yourself a Terminator-proof bunker before that day comes.  

Here are some of the sweetest gigs currently available in the AI advancement space.

Prompt Engineer & Librarian @ Anthropic 

SF-based Anthropic, a Google-backed startup, is offering up to $335,000 for this Bay Area-based hybrid role, which will use a mix of “programming, instructing and teaching” to “figure out the best methods” for prompting the company’s AI to “accomplish a wide range of tasks.” You’ll also be expected to document these processes and build up a library of tools and a set of tutorials to help others learn prompt engineering and find useful prompts. Bennies include equity matching at a three-to-one ratio, 21 weeks of paid parental leave, unlimited paid time off and fertility benefits. 

Artificial Intelligence Senior Research Associate @ JPMorgan Chase & Co. 

First, they replaced their tellers with ATMs. Who knows which jobs banks will replace with advanced AI systems? JPMorgan Chase is seeking a candidate to “explore and advance cutting-edge research” in machine learning and cryptography. The hybrid job, based in New York, offers an annual salary between $156,000 to $250,000, but it requires a PhD in computer science. 

ChatGPT Prompt Engineer AI

This remote gig to “design and implement prompt templates that maximize the power of ChatGPT” is technically freelance, but you can make up to $200 per hour to optimize the technology and collaborate with a team of data scientists. No degree is specified, but “expert”-level experience is required.

Prompt Engineer & AI Artist

Calling all creatives! This work-from-home contract job may not be as well-paid as others of its ilk, but it has an artsy bent. At this gig, you’ll be expected to work with AI-based image creation tools like MidJourney and DALL·E and develop similar tools. While it pays only $5 to $40 per hour, it has the potential to turn into a full-time job or bring in a little extra cash on the side.  

Head of AI @ Sourcegraph

Why be a slave to AI when you can be the head of it? Sourcegraph, a web-based code search and navigation tool for development teams based in San Francisco’s Mission District, is seeking “a polyglot hacker” to helm its machine learning team and drive the company’s AI strategy. You’ll be responsible, for leading this team “to push the boundaries of AI,” shipping a “substantial new feature” to users and making sure that the company’s beta launch is “as solid as possible.” The salary is $235,830 per year.