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Photos: Thousands flock to huge free Toro Y Moi party downtown

A shot from behind the DJ looking out at the crowd
Toro Y Moi, also known as Chaz Bear, DJs Thursday on Second Street. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard

Photos: Thousands flock to huge free Toro Y Moi party downtown

San Francisco locals were treated to another Downtown First Thursdays block party this week, headlined by a Bay Area favorite: Toro Y Moi.

Simply put: It was a blast.

“We’re always waiting for it to happen,” said Sanaz Deldar, who has attended almost every First Thursday event. “I hope it goes forever.”

Between 10,000 and 18,000 people were expected to attend the party, said Maro Guevara, a spokesperson for producer Into the Streets. The events are funded through April.

“There’s something for everybody,” Guevara said. “It’s family-friendly, but also you can get down and have a rave night if that’s what you want to do.”

Toro y Moi deejays
Bay Area singer-songwriter and producer Toro Y Moi headlined Thursday's event with a DJ set. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
Attendees dance at the event
Everyone said they had an absolute blast at the event. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
The huge crowd seen from above
As many as 18,000 people were expected to attend. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
A man does a backflip over four of his friends
Karlo Juarez flips out. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
Attendees dance to the music
The event featured street performers, several stages with live music, and outdoor bars. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
Two attendees snap a selfie
Sanaz Deldar snaps a selfie with her mom, Parvin Deldar. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard

Liz Howard, a resident of the Mission, said she’s attended a few of the events before. She enjoyed every one.

“It’s the music, they feel so spontaneous,” Howard said. “They’re really accessible right after work. So it’s just a random fun party that’s always on.”

The monthly events started in May as a way to bring life — and fun — to the beleaguered downtown. Nearby businesses have reported “huge” upticks in foot traffic during the block parties.

A couple listens to the music
Attendees take in a set by DJ Cocoa Crescendo. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
Police officers stand nearby
San Francisco Police Department officers watch over the event. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard

Thursday’s event was held in the shadow of a deadly New Orleans terror attack that killed at least 14 people on New Year’s Day. Guevara said the event’s producers “always work extensively with SFPD on coordinating all our safety measures regardless of what’s going on.”

“We don’t share specific information about security measures, because that’s a way of keeping things safe,” Guevara added.

The crowd seen from above
"I tend to not be super worried in San Francisco," one attendee said when asked about safety concerns. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
New Year's wishes written on index cards
Revelers wrote New Year's wishes on index cards. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
Two attendees dance together
Muskaan Chugh embraces Akiko Kelley while dancing at the party. | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard
Attendees dance at the event
"Be the party you want to see in San Francisco," a rep for the event producer said. "Be the future San Francisco you want to be and help bring it to life by bringing your most fabulous self down here." | Source: Amanda Andrade-Rhoades/The Standard

Tomoki Chien can be reached at