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San Francisco magic mushroom shop raided

A white police car with the blue and gold emblem of "SFPD" on the side, marked with the number 119, parked against a yellow wall.
A San Francisco Police Department cruiser. | The Standard

Correction: A previous version of this article said a suspect was arrested on charges relating to meth. However, SFPD gave out incorrect information to The Standard, a police spokesperson said: “In our initial synopsis of the incident, we misspoke on the charges placed on [the suspect]. There were no charges related to methamphetamine placed on [the suspect]. The charges placed on [him] were related to psilocybin.”

San Francisco police arrested a business owner for allegedly selling magic mushrooms from his Haight Street shop after raiding it in November.

The District Attorney’s Office charged the suspect with three felony counts for selling, possessing and maintaining a place of business for the purpose of selling psilocybin, otherwise known as magic mushrooms.

Bobbi’s on Haight, a shop that launched in October, was open for a little over a month before police raided the business on Nov. 23, arresting its owner, a 38-year-old man, for allegedly possessing psilocybin with intent to sell. 

The building was registered to sell retail merchandise, according to city records. 

The shop reportedly sold clothes and branded merchandise, but also allegedly sold psychedelic magic mushrooms. Two separate sources confirmed to The Standard that they had knowledge of magic mushrooms being sold at the store during the time it was open.

Adam Egelman, who lives across the street from the former business, said he was disturbed by the “show of force” from SFPD.

“I still don’t think the police response was warranted,” Egelman said. “It was the day before Thanksgiving at 5 p.m. It didn’t seem there was actual danger.”

SF city leaders effectively decriminalized magic mushrooms in September. And State Sen. Scott Wiener introduced a bill Tuesday that would essentially legalize magic mushrooms and other psychedelics for personal use in California. The city has yet to create a path forward for businesses to sell them legally. 

Meanwhile, SFPD has ramped up its efforts to arrest drug dealers and users in recent months and concerns around open-air drug markets are said to be part of the reason for the successful recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

Local leaders often debate the effectiveness of arresting drug dealers. Harm reduction experts argue that police raids create an unpredictable supply, increasing the likelihood of overdoses when it comes to dangerous drugs, while critics contend that the city has made it too easy for drug dealers to stay in business without providing sufficient treatment options for those suffering the negative effects of addictive substances. 

David Sjostedt can be reached at