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SF Board of Supes in 3 mins: What went down at Tuesday’s meeting

A biker rides down a street.
Source: Camille Cohen

While Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting brought neither fireworks nor much progress on the issues, there were some developments on Covid protocols, Great Highway plans and Recology reform, among other topics worth noting. (Wonks looking for the full kit and caboodle can check out the meeting’s full agenda here.)

😷 On the pandemic

        ⛔️ On Great Highway, JFK Drive and Slow Streets

              🗑 On Reforming the Rate-Setting Process for Trash Collection

              District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin introduced two refuse contracting reform ballot measures in the wake of the growing Recology overbilling scandal. One is co-sponsored by Mayor Breed and is supported by most supervisors; the other, which wasn’t mentioned but will appear Friday on a Legislation Introduced memo, is sponsored by Peskin alone and is much more strict. Recology has a “reform” measure of its own in the works as well.