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Mayor Breed weighs in on DA recall: ‘This does not mean that criminal justice reform in San Francisco is going anywhere’

Following the historic recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, which many are characterizing as a referendum on progressive politics in the city, Mayor London Breed refused to offer up the names of those she’s considering as a replacement for the DA but reassured residents that criminal justice reform remains a priority.

“This does not mean that criminal justice reform in San Francisco is going anywhere. It does not mean that there will be, all of a sudden, a significant setback,” said Breed, who also emphasized the need for accountability.

“…to be clear, sometimes accountability means rehab. Sometimes accountability means community service. It is not just about law and order and tough on crime and locking people up and throwing away the key,” said Breed. “It’s about accountability when those lines are crossed and coming to a reasonable conclusion around justice and what that really means for, in some cases, not just the perpetrator but the people who fall victim to those crimes.”

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