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See photos of rare, dangerous waves hitting San Francisco

People look toward incoming waves as heavy surf pounds Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Thursday. The treacherous waves were a result of a major swell event. | Source: Loren Elliott for The Standard

A rare typhoon originating off the coast of Japan turned into a storm that hit San Francisco’s beaches on Thursday, producing monstrous waves along the sleepy Sunset neighborhood’s Ocean Beach.

Waves on the two-mile stretch of beach reached 20 feet around noon, while the big wave surf spot Mavericks in Half Moon Bay reached heights of 35 feet, according to the surf forecasting website Surfline.

A surfer looks on as heavy surf—the result of a major swell event—pounds Ocean Beach in San Francisco on Thursday. | Source: Loren Elliott for The Standard

Onlookers gazed in wonder as the sea thrust out the massive waves. The northern swell is the second of its kind this year as an El Niño weather forecast promises to bring more tumultuous waters to the region this winter.

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A person walks along the coast as heavy surf pounds Ocean Beach on Oct. 19, 2023. | Source: Loren Elliott for The Standard

Ocean Beach’s waves climbed the highest around Noriega Street, where white water was abundant miles out to sea.

A beach scene with large waves crashing in the background. People and dogs walk along the shore, and one person carries a red surfboard into the water.
Onlookers face the coast as heavy surf pounds Ocean Beach. | Source: Loren Elliott for The Standard
Ocean Beach by Noriega Street saw some of the biggest waves Thursday. | Source: Loren Elliott for The Standard

David Sjostedt can be reached at

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