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San Francisco voters approve Prop. G, encouraging algebra in eighth grade

A teacher points to a projection of graphs on a screen, explaining slope, in front of students in a classroom.
Math teacher Dayna Soares goes over an Algebra II class assignment at Mission High School. | Lea Suzuki/SF Chronicle/Getty Images

San Francisco voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved Proposition G, a measure that encourages the school district to offer algebra in eighth grade.

Early returns showed the measure passing by a wide margin.

Prop. G is not legally binding, meaning the measure in it of itself can’t compel San Francisco Unified School District to offer algebra in the eighth grade. Placed on the ballot by a majority of the Board of Supervisors, its proponents said it would officially encourage schools to offer algebra and “support the development of a coherent math curriculum at every level.”

Prop. G needed a simple majority to pass. There is no official rebuttal to the proponents’ arguments.

The school district currently offers algebra to students in ninth grade, thanks to a policy enacted in 2014 that removed the course from middle schools. Many parents have protested the policy, arguing that it unfairly limits opportunities for students to pursue advanced math in high school and, later, in college.

Annie Gaus can be reached at