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Hundreds of layoffs hit global software developer

An empty office space in Downtown San Francisco | Camille Cohen/The Standard | Source: Camille Cohen/The Standard

The fallout from the economic downturn continued this week. Thoughtworks, a major software development consultancy, laid off 500 workers.

The Chicago-based firm is a major developer in the Bay Area, building software products and functionality from its San Francisco office. Thoughtworks also has several other offices around the world.

The staff cut was confirmed by the company, but specific details about the layoff have not been released.

READ MORE: Here Are 100 Companies That Have Not Laid Off Workers

While Twitter’s latest layoff of 200 grabbed headlines, other significant cuts hit San Francisco, as well: Cerebral trimmed 285 employees and Eventbrite laid off 56 workers. Both companies cited workforce reorganization as the reason for the layoffs.

The Standard tracked 660 employees cut from SF companies this week.

Check The Standard’s Layoff Tracker below for a complete list of all the companies that have laid off workers since January 2022.