Tensions ran high during the second day of testimony from accused murderer Nima Momeni.
A constant chorus of objections filled the packed courtroom as the prosecution, led by Omid Talai, tried to poke holes in Momeni’s testimony about the killing of Bob Lee, leaving the defendant noticeably frustrated and combative on the stand.
“I ask the questions, you answer the questions,” Talai said for at least the third time during his initial cross-examination, after Momeni refused to respond about a text he received from his sister Khazar the day after the murder.
Prosecutors allege that Momeni stabbed Lee on April 4, 2023, under the Bay Bridge because he was angry that Lee let his sister get sexually assaulted.
Talai’s approach seemed to be to goad Momeni with zingers. “When you cut me off and ask questions, is that what you did with Bob on the phone?” Talai asked, referring to a call Momeni had with Lee after Khazar accused alleged drug dealer Jeremy Boivin of sexually assaulting her. But Momeni met attitude with attitude, telling Talai he wasn’t argumentative with Lee. “So it’s just you,” Momeni told the prosecutor.
The prosecution has argued that Momeni stabbed Lee out of anger because he did not protect Khazar from Boivin’s advances during a gathering at Boivin’s apartment the day before the killing. They have linked Momeni to the scene via DNA from the knife used in the stabbing.
The prosecution succeeded in getting a rise out of Momeni, who testified Wednesday that the killing was the result of a “bad joke” that caused Lee to snap and try to stab Momeni — who turned the knife on Lee in self-defense. In court Thursday, Momeni’s cool demeanor seemed to be fraying.
“When you cut me off and ask questions, is that what you did with Bob on the phone?”
Prosecutor Omid Talai
At one point, Talai asked Momeni to describe the depth of a stab wound on Lee’s body. When Momeni refused to answer, Talai had a retort ready. “My 8-year-old would feel comfortable showing what five inches looks like. You can’t do that?” Momeni answered the question after the judge translated the measurement to centimeters.
Talai has openly mocked the believability of Momeni’s testimony. He cited Momeni’s apparent lack of interest in what happened the night after Lee purportedly attacked him and was found dead.
“Do you see that doesn’t make any sense?” Talai said. “You didn’t think, ‘Oh, wow, I hung out with this guy, and now he’s dead’?”
Momeni said he didn’t recall hearing about Lee’s death on the news, noting that he mainly follows tech, not local news.